During the following days, Dad built the temporary shelter that will protect the Whale during winter. Dad had already built a similar shelter over he last years for it's Class C.
The shelter is made with a huge plastic tarp (one of those blue tarps) held up by a steel wire strung lenghtwise over the vehicle.
Before he put the tarp on, Dad slightly raised the vehicle in order to relief the suspension and tires.
The Whale has probably never seen so much care taken to get her ready for winter, but Dad likes to "protect it's investment" as he likes to say. The tarp doesn't cost much, the Whale will stay dry and Dad will have the peace of mind.
Winter came quickly this year. Three days ago we had a dump of about 30 cm of snow, we are probably up to 50cm or so right now, and when I took these photos this afternoon the temperature was around -15.
This post is probably the last for 2007. I'll be back next spring, as soon as Dad starts to work on the Whale again.
Thanks to all!
See ya!
salut carl
je suis de st augustin
c est un peu drole jai acheter l année passée un travco 73 comme celui tu parle si tu veux me rejoindre j ais pas fini la resto mais il fonctionne tres bien il reste de rajeunir la peinture etc
on fait du karting avec et cest amusant semgr@globetrotter.net
je cherche des bumper chromé etc
Salut Guy
De quel St-Augustin est-tu?
Près de Québec?
Just found your blog. I belong to a Classic RV group that is focused mostly on Class B's, but many of us love all kinds of classic RVs. I look forward to the continued story of the Blue Whale.
If you'd like to visit our group, you can find us at:
Hi Carl
It's June, what's up with the Blue Whale? As a fellow Travco owner it is an interesting blog to follow.
Watch for a first update very soon, probably tonight!
Thanks for watching!
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